Claremont United Church of Christ is part of the United Church of Christ, a Christian, mainline Protestant tradition. We can't wait to welcome you to one of our worship services! You will find a friendly congregation where you can think for yourself and grow spiritually. We believe in putting our faith into action to care for our community and world.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we unite on our spiritual journeys to discern God’s still-speaking voice, embrace all people without exception, celebrate God’s presence in worship, and pursue Christ’s vision of peace, love, grace, and justice.
In response to God’s creating, redeeming and sustaining love, we unite for the worship of God and the service of all. We seek to know the will of God and to walk in God’s ways made known in Jesus Christ; to love one another; to proclaim the Gospel to all the world; to work and pray for peace and justice; and to live in harmony with all creation. We trust the presence of the Holy Spirit in trial and rejoicing and the promise of eternal life both now and for evermore. Amen.
Why might CUCC be a good fit for me?
If you want to be a part of a faith community that puts its faith into action, works for social justice, validates science, respects other faith traditions, and celebrates all forms of diversity, welcome home! At Claremont UCC, we are comfortable asking hard questions, sitting in the mystery of the Divine, and understanding that God is always bigger than we can imagine.
Can I take Communion?
YES! Our table is open, because it is not our table, but Christ's table, and Christ invites everyone.
When did Claremont UCC begin?
We were founded in 1891 as Claremont Congregational Church. In 1966, we joined the United Church of Christ denomination.
What accommodations do you have for individuals with special needs?
We are designated as an Accessible 2 All (A2A) congregation and are constantly adding new accommodations to help people fully integrate into the life of the church. We have an American Sign Language interpreter both in-person and online, hearing-assist devices, large-print bulletins, high-contrast worship screens, accessible walkways, trained Sunday School teachers, and an array of resources for students with mobility aids or neurodivergent needs. If there is something you need to make our church more accessible, we would love to provide it!
What else makes Claremont UCC special?
In recognition of our work in several areas of ministry, the UCC denomination has given our church several designations:
We are an Accessible 2 All congregation, ensuring people of all abilities are physically and attitudinally welcome. We are a WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) congregation, making sure individuals with mental health challenges are known, loved, and nurtured. We are a Just Peace congregation, committed to putting our faith into action and being peacemakers. We are a Creation Justice congregation, actively practicing sustainability. We are an Open and Affirming congregation, welcoming all members of the LGBTQ+ community into the full life of the church. We are a Sanctuary Congregation, supporting people regardless of documentation status. We are also committed to deepening our relationship with local indigenous communities through our land acknowledgment and partnerships. Come and experience our radical hospitality and creative communal connection.