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CUCC loves little ones!
Childcare for children under age 5 is offered each Sunday morning for our 10:00am service. All of our caregivers are boundary trained in commitment to our Safe Church Policy. At least two adult caregivers are present each Sunday. Baby changing stations are located in every restroom.
For more information please email our Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries, Nancy Felix, at [email protected].
Sunday School is offered during the 10:00 am service for children 3 years old through 8th grade. Children begin worship with their families, and then are excused to Sunday School after the children’s celebration where they gather to creatively engage with stories from the Bible. Children are always welcome to remain in worship with their families if they prefer.

Our church has both a Junior High and High School Youth Group! Through fun activities, profound learning, meaningful service, and worship, our youth grow in their faith together. The High School Youth Group meets Sunday after Worship from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in the basement of the Guildhall. "Ignite," our Junior High Youth Group, meets at the same time in Room 206 (second floor of the Guildhall). For more information, contact our Director of Children, Youth, and Families, Nancy Felix: [email protected]; or our Junior High Youth Director, Zoe: [email protected].
Confirmation is for 8th–12th grade youth seeking to join the church and grow in their spiritual knowledge. For more information, please contact our Director of Children, Youth, and Families, Nancy Felix, at [email protected].